Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pinterest Rocks, but do you actually achieve anything from it?

I do! :D

This is my blog to list/share what I have achieved from Pinterest, a wonderful site that I'm absolutely addicted to!  More of a time waster than Facebook hehehee, but only if you dont make anything from it I guess.

I have used it for crafts, especially Christmas crafts which can be given to family members when you have a large family.  I also use it to put in one place a resource for my kids to help them achieve better at school, ie, reading, writing and maths.

The title is a play of words on Beyonce's song "Single Ladies"... and the lyrics "If you liked it, then you shoulda put a ring on it" Oh oh oh, oh oh oh... hahah... 

The blog will share all things I have made/achieved from Pinterest... Yay!

P.S This is me if you want to follow my boards... let me know who you are and I'll follow you too :)